M.Sc. Christian Knödler
Collaboration with Academia and Industry
I have been involved in the following academic research initiatives or industrial projects:
PANADS aimims to investigate Near-Data approaches, toolchains as well as Database architectures and algorithms.
PANDAS follows the approach of hardware-software co-design. One of the main goals is the design of a novel
storage hardware for NDP.
hybridNDP: Dynamic Operation Offloading and Cooperative
Query Execution in Smart Storage Settings.
C. Knoedler, N Ramzan and I. Petrov.
In EDBT (2025)
Near-Data Processing in Database Systems on Native Computational Storage under
HTAP Workloads.
T. Vincon, C. Knoedler, L. Solis-Vasquez, A. Bernhardt, S. Tamimi, L. Weber, F. Stock,
A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. VLDB 2022
neoDBMS: In-situ Snapshots for Multi-Version DBMS on Native Computational Storage.
A. Bernhardt, S. Tamimi, T. Vincon, C. Knoedler, F. Stock, C Heinz, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. ICDE 2022
Result-Set Management for NDP Operations on Smart Storage.
T. Vincon, C. Knoedler, A. Bernhardt, L. Solis-Vasquez, L. Weber, A. Koch, I.Petrov.
In Proc. DaMoN 2022
A cost model for NDP-aware query optimization for KV-stores.
C. Knoedler, T. Vincon, A. Bernhardt, L. Solis-Vasquez, L. Weber, I. Petrov, A. Koch.
In Proc. DAMON 2021
On the Necessity of Explicit Cross-Layer Data Formats in Near-Data Processing Systems.
L. Weber, T. Vincon, C Knoedler, L. Solis-Vasquez, A. Bernhardt, I. Petrov, A. Koch.
Journal DAPD. 2021
A Framework for the Automatic Generation of FPGA-based Near-Data Processing Accelerators
in Smart Storage Systems.
L. Weber, L. Sommer, L. Solis-Vasquez, T. Vincon, C. Knoedler, A. Bernhardt, I. Petrov, A. Koch.
In Proc. Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop. RAW@IPDPS
nKV in Action: Accelerating KV-Stores on Native Computational Storage with
Near-Data Processing.
T. Vincon, L. Weber, A. Bernhardt, C. Riegger, S. Hardock, C. Knoedler, F. Stock,
L. Solis-Vasquez, S. Tamimi, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. VLDB 2020 [PDF][Video]
Background and Degrees
- October 2014 - October 2016: Master of Science.
Services Computing - Herman Hollerith Zentrum Böblingen, Germany. (Hochschule Reutlingen)
- April 2011 - September 2014: Bachelor of Science.
Wirtschaftsinformatik - Hochschule Reutlingen Reutlingen, Germany.