Head of Data Management Lab

- Founding member of the doctoral consortium (Promotionsverband) Baden-Württemberg
- Member of the Baden-Württemberg Center of Applied Research (BW-CAR)


- data management at large
- data-intensive systems on evolving hardware
- near-data processing
- data analytics


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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ilia Petrov

Collaboration with Academia and Industry

I have been recently involved in the following academic research initiatives or industrial projects:

images/neodbms.png neoDBMS.2 is a DFG- funded project that pursues architectures for larger-than-memory, NDP-capable, post-Moore DBMS on heterogeneous systems, based on cache-coherent interconnects such as CXL.

images/Curve.jpg RL@Cloud RL@Cloud is a BW-Invest funded project aiming to explore new cloud designs for the sustainable use of large datasets, containing structured high-resolution measurement data.

neoDB aims to explore new architectures, abstractions and algorithms for intelligent database storage capable of performing Near-Data Processing (NDP)and executing data- or compute-intensive DBMS operations in-situ.

PANADS aims to investigate Near-Data approaches, toolchains as well as Database architectures and algorithms. PANDAS follows the approach of hardware-software co-design. One of the main goals is the design of a novel storage hardware for NDP.

FlashyDB is a DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) project investigating the influence of Flash Memory on the database systems. We focus on: (a) Investigating the impact of Flash-SSDs on the architectures and performance of existing database systems, relational data warehouses and column stores. (b) Developing algorithms and data structures making optimal use of the flash-SSD characteristics in OLTP and OLAP scenarios. (c) Providing prototypical implementation of these new approaches.

HAWprom - is a project funded by the MWK, Baden-Wuerttemberg with the goal of pursuing successful dissertations in the field of near-data processing.

Graudierten Kolleg Services Computing - is funded by the MWK, Baden-Wuerttemberg with the goal of pursuing research in the field of data-intensive infrastructures for services computing.

pimDBMS - is an special purspose equipment grant from MWK, Baden-Wuerttemberg with the goal of Processing-In-Memory infrastrcutures.

Books and Book chapters

Book Chapter: Energy-Efficient, Application- and Channel-aware Middleware Approaches for Cyber-Physical Systems.

Khalid Nawaz, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann
To appear in: Zeashan Khan, A. B. M. Shawkat Ali, Zahid Riaz: Computational Intelligence for Decision Support in Cyber-Physical Systems, Studies in Computational Intelligence 540, ISBN 978-981-4585-35-4
Springer , July 2014

Guide to Web Application and Platform Architectures.

Stefan Jablonski, Ilia Petrov, Christian Meiler, Udo Mayer
Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004. 249 Pages. ISBN 3-540-00947-7

Book Chapter: Virtualization and Column-oriented Database Systems.

Ilia Petrov, Vyacheslav Polonskyy, Alejandro Buchmann
To appear in: Grid and Cloud Database Management. G. Aloisio and S. Fiore (Editors)
2011, Springer Verlag

Book Chapter: Integratives IT-Architekturmanagement.

In Handbuch der Software-Architektur. Ralf Reussner / Wilhelm Hasselbring (Editors) Sascha Mueller, Walter Kuhn, Christian Meiler, Ilia Petrov, Stefan Jablonski
February 2006, dpunkt.verlag, ISBN 3-89864-372-7


hybridNDP: Dynamic Operation Offloading and Cooperative Query Execution in Smart Storage Settings.
C. Knoedler, N Ramzan and I. Petrov.
In EDBT (2025) [PDF]
Storage management with multi-version partitioned BTrees.
C. Riegger, I. Petrov.
In Information Systems (2024) [PDF]
DANSEN: Database Acceleration on Native Computational Storage by Exploiting NDP
S. Tamimi, A. Bernhardt, F. Stock, I. Petrov, A. Koch
NVMulator: A Configurable Open-Source Non-volatile Memory Emulator for FPGAs
S. Tamimi, A. Bernhardt, F. Stock, I. Petrov, A. Koch
In Proc. ARC 2023 [PDF]
pimDB: From Main-Memory DBMS to Processing-In-Memory DBMS-Engines on Intelligent Memories.
A. Bernhardt, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. DAMON 2023 [PDF]
bloomRF: On Performing Range-Queries in Bloom-Filters with Piecewise- Monotone Hash Functions and Prefix Hashing.
B. Moessner, C. Riegger, A. Bernhardt, I. Petrov.
In Proc. EDBT 2023 [Best Paper Award]
[PDF] [Paper (extended)] [Video]
Near-Data Processing in Database Systems on Native Computational Storage under HTAP Workloads.
T. Vincon, C. Knoedler, L. Solis-Vasquez, A. Bernhardt, S. Tamimi, L. Weber, F. Stock, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. VLDB 2022 [PDF] [Slides] [Video]
The full story of 1000 cores.
T. Bang, N. May, I. Petrov, C. Binnig.
In VLDB Journal (2022) [PDF]
Result-Set Management for NDP Operations on Smart Storage.
T. Vincon, C. Knoedler, A. Bernhardt, L. Solis-Vasquez, L. Weber, A. Koch, I.Petrov.
In Proc. DaMoN 2022 [PDF] [Video]
An Evaluation of Using CCIX for Cache-Coherent Host-FPGA Interfacing.
S. Tamimi, F. Stock, A. Bernhardt, I. Petrov, A. Koch.
In Proc. FCCM 2022 [PDF] [Talk]
HiPEAC 2022 Paper Award
neoDBMS: In-situ Snapshots for Multi-Version DBMS on Native Computational Storage.
A. Bernhardt, S. Tamimi, T. Vincon, C. Knoedler, F. Stock, C Heinz, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. ICDE 2022 [PDF] [Video]
Cache-Coherent Shared Locking for Transactionally Consistent Updates in Near-Data Processing DBMS on Smart Storage.
A. Bernhardt, S. Tamimi, F. Stock, A. Koch, T. Vincon, I. Petrov.
In Proc. EDBT 2022 [PDF] [Video]
Storage Management with Multi-Version Partitioned BTrees.
C. Riegger, I. Petrov.
In Proc. ADBIS 2022 [PDF]
A cost model for NDP-aware query optimization for KV-stores.
C. Knoedler, T. Vincon, A. Bernhardt, L. Solis-Vasquez, L. Weber, I. Petrov, A. Koch.
In Proc. DAMON 2021 [PDF] [Video]
A Framework for the Automatic Generation of FPGA-based Near-Data Processing Accelerators in Smart Storage Systems.
L. Weber, L. Sommer, L. Solis-Vasquez, T. Vincon, C. Knoedler, A. Bernhardt, I. Petrov, A. Koch.
In Proc. Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop. RAW@IPDPS [PDF]
On the Necessity of Explicit Cross-Layer Data Formats in Near-Data Processing Systems.
L Weber, T. Vincon, C Knoedler, L. Solis-Vasquez, A. Bernhardt, I. Petrov, A. Koch.
Journal DAPD. 2021 [PDF]
AnyDB: An Architecture-less DBMS for Any Workload.
Tiemo Bang and Norman May and Ilia Petrov, Carsten Binnig.
In Proc. CIDR 2020 [PDF] [Video]
nKV in Action: Accelerating KV-Stores on Native Computational Storage with Near-Data Processing.
T. Vincon, L. Weber, A. Bernhardt, C. Riegger, S. Hardock, C. Knoedler, F. Stock, L. Solis-Vasquez, S. Tamimi, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. VLDB 2020 [PDF] [Video]
Robust Performance of Main Memory Data Structures by Configuration.
T. Bang, I. Oukid, N. May, I. Petrov, C. Binnig.
In Proc. SIGMOD 2020. [PDF]
The Tale of 1000 Cores: An Evaluation of Concurrency Control on Real(ly) Large Multi-Socket Hardware
T. Bang, N. May, I. Petrov, C. Binnig.
In Proc. DAMON 2020. [PDF]
nKV: Near-Data Processing with KV-Stores on Native Computational Storage.
T. Vincon, L. Weber, A. Bernhardt, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. DAMON 2020. [PDF]
On the Necessity of Explicit Cross-Layer DataFormats in Near-Data Processing Systems.
T. Vincon, A. Bernhardt, L. Weber, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. HardBD 2020 [PDF].
MV-PBT: Multi-Version Indexing for Large Datasets and HTAP Workloads.
C. Riegger, T. Vincon, R. Gottstein, I. Petrov.
In Proc. EDBT 2020 [PDF]
Moving Processing to Data:On the Influence of Processing-in-Memory on Data Management.
T. Vincon, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In arXiv [PDF].
nativeNDP: Processing Big Data Analytics on Native Storage Nodes
T. Vincon, S. Hardock, C. Riegger, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. ADBIS 2019 [PDF]
Indexing large updatable Datasets in Multi-Version Database Management Systems.
C. Riegger, T. Vinccon, I. Petrov.
In Proc. IDEAS 2019 [PDF]
IPA-IDX: In-Place Appends for B-Tree Indices.
S. Hardock, A. Koch, T. Vinccon, I. Petrov.
In Proc. DaMoN 2019 [PDF]
Native Storage Techniques for Data Management.
I. Petrov, A. Koch, S. Hardock, T. Vincon, C. Riegger.
In Proc. ICDE 2019 [PDF] [Slides]
Efficient Data and Indexing Structure for Blockchains in Enterprise Systems
C. Riegger, T. Vincon, I. Petrov.
In Proc. iiWAS 2018 [Extended Abstract]
NoFTL-KV: Tackling Write-Amplification on KV-Stores with Native Storage Management
T. Vincon, S. Hardock, C. Riegger, J. Oppermann, A. Koch, I. Petrov.
In Proc. EDBT 2018 [PDF]
SIAS-Chains: Snapshot Isolation Append Storage Chains
R. Gottstein, I. Petrov, S. Hardock, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. ADMS@VLDB 2017 [PDF]
Write-optimized indexing with partitioned b-trees
C. Riegger, T. Vincon, I. Petrov.
In Proc. iiWAS 2017 [PDF]
Multi-version indexing and modern hardware technologies: a survey of present indexing approaches
C. Riegger, T. Vincon, I. Petrov.
In Proc. iiWAS 2017 [PDF]
From In-Place Updates to In-Place Appends: Revisiting Out-of-Place Updates on Flash
S. Hardock, I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. SIGMOD 2017 [PDF]
Selective In-Place Appends for Real: Reducing Erases on Wear-prone DBMS Storage
S. Hardock, I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. ICDE 2017 [PDF] [Video]
In-Place Appends for Real: DBMS Overwrites on Flash without Erase
S. Hardock, I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. EDBT 2017 [PDF]
Effective DBMS space management on native Flash.
S. Hardock, I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. BTW 2017 [PDF]
cIPT: Shift of Image Processing Technologies to column-oriented Databases.
T. Vincon. I. Petrov, C. Thies.
In Proc. ADBIS 2016
Near Data Processing within Column-Oriented DBMSs for High Performance Analysis.
T. Vincon, I. Petrov.
In proc. DEC 2016
Log-data as synchronous time series.
C. Knödler, I. Petrov, B. Mößner.
In Proc. DEC 2016
Revisiting DBMS Space Management for Native Flash.
S. Hardock, I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. EDBT 2016 [PDF]
Real Time Charging Database Benchmarking.
J. Bogner, C. Dehner, T. Vincon, I. Petrov.
In Proc.[nbsp]iiWAS 2015.
DBMS on Modern Storage Hardware.
I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, S. Hardock.
In Proc. International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2015. [Slides]
NoFTL for Real: Databases on Real Native Flash Storage.
S. Hardock, I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. EDBT 2015 [Video] [PDF]
SIAS-V in Action: Snapshot Isolation Append Storage - Vectors on Flash
R. Gottstein, T. Peter, I. Petrov and A. Buchmann
In Proc."17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology" (EDBT 2014) [PDF]
Maintaining SOA Systems of the Future: How can Ontological Modeling Help?
Bilal Gonen, Xingang Fang, Eman El-Sheikh, Sikha Bagui, Alfred Zimmermann and Ilia Petrov.
In Proc. KEOD 2014
Semantic Search to Support the Evolution of SmartLife Applications
Bilal Gonen, Xingang Fang, Eman El-Sheikh, Sikha Bagui, Norman Wilde, Alfred Zimmermann and Ilia Petrov
In Proc. ICSOFT 2014
Multi-Version Databases on Flash: Append Storage and Access Paths.
Robert Gottstein, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann.
In n International Journal On Advances in Software, Vol. 6, Number 3[&]4 2013.
A hybrid page layout integrating PAX and NSM.
G. Graefe, I. Petrov, T. Ivanov , Veselin Marinov.
In Proc. 17th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, ACM, 2013.
Read Optimisations for Append Storage on Flash.
R. Gottstein, I. Petrov, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. 17th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, ACM, 2013.
FBARC: I/O Asymmetry Aware Buffer Replacement Strategy.
P. Dubs, I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. ADMS 2013, in Conjunction with VLDB 2013
Hospital Information Systems on High Performance and Energy Efficient Database Systems.
C. Thies, I. Petrov.
In Proc. GMDS 2013.
Towards Service-oriented Enterprise Architectures for Big Data Applications in the Cloud.
A. Zimmermann, M. Pretz, G. Zimmermann, D. Firesmith, I. Petrov, E. El-Sheikh.
In Proc. SoEA4EE'2013 in conjunction with EDOC 2013
Elasticity in Cloud Databases and Their Query Processing.
G. Graefe, A. Nica, K. Stolze, T. Neumann, T. Eavis, I. Petrov, E. Pourabbas, D. Fekete.
In International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 9.2 (2013)
DNA: An Online Algorithm for Credit Card Fraud Detection for Game Merchants.
M. Schaidnagel, I. Petrov, F. Laux.
In Proc. Data Analytics 2013
NoFTL: Database Systems on FTL-less Flash Storage.
S. Hardock, I. Petrov, R. Gottstein, A. Buchmann.
In Proc. VLDB 2013 [PDF]
Append storage in multi-version databases on flash.
R. Gottstein, I. Petrov, and A. Buchmann.
In Proc. 29th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 2013, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Towards Semantic-Supported SmartLife System Architectures for Big Data Services in the Cloud
El-Sheikh, E., Bagui, S., Firesmith, D.G., Petrov, I., Wilde, N., Zimmermann, A.
In Proc. Service Computation'13, (2013)
A hybrid page layout integrating PAX and NSM
Goetz Graefe, Ilia Petrov, Todor Ivanov, Veselin Marinov
Technical Report (HPL-2012-240). 2012. [Link]
Aspects of Append-Based Database Storage Management on Flash Memories.
Robert Gottstein, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann.
In Proc. DBKDA 2013.
Sales Prediction with Parametrized Time Series Analysis.
Christian Abele, Michael Schaidnagel, Fritz Laux, Ilia Petrov.
In Proc. DBKDA 2013.
Data-Intensive Systems on Evolving Memory Hierarchies.
Ilia Petrov, Daniel Bausch, Robert Gottstein, Alejandro Buchmann.
Proceedings of Workshop Entwicklung energiebewusster Software (EEbS 2012), 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V. (GI), 2012 [Link]
Making Cost-Based Query Optimization Asymmetry Aware.
Daniel Bausch, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann.
In Proceedings of the Data Management on New Hardware Workshop (DaMoN 2012), colocated with SIGMOD/PODS. May 2012 [Link]
A Survey on Database Performance in Virtualized Cloud Environments.
Todor Ivanov, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann.
To apper in International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM)
SI-CV: Snapshot Isolation With Co-Located Versions.
Robert Gottstein, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann.
In Proceedings of TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC 2011), VLDB 2011. August 2011 [Link]
On The Performance Of Database Query Processing Algorithms On Flash Solid State Disks.
Daniel Bausch, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann
In Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Flexible Database and Information System Technology (FlexDBIST). September, 2011. [Link]
Page Size Selection for OLTP Databases on SSD RAID Storage.
Ilia Petrov, Robert Gottstein, Todor Ivanov, Daniel Bausch, Alejandro Buchmann
In Journal of Information and Data Management,Vol.2,No 1 (2011) [Link]
Distributed Network Structuring with Scopes.
Daniel Jacobi, Pablo Guerrero, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann.
Technical Report, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt [Link]
Event-Driven Services: Integrating Production, Logistics and Transportation.
Alejandro Buchmann, Hans-Christian Pfohl, Ilia Petrov, Stefan Appel, Sebastian Frischbier, Tobias Freudenreich and Christian Zuber
In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Service Oriented Computing in Logistics, in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2010), December 7-10, 2010 - San Francisco, California, USA [Link]
Page Size Selection for OLTP Databases on SSD Storage.
Ilia Petrov, Todor Ivanov, Alejandro Buchmann
In Proceedings of Brasilian Simposium of Database Systems 2010. Belo Horizonte, Brasil, October, 2010 [Link]
Building Large Storage Based On Flash Disks.
Ilia Petrov, Guillermo Almeida, Alejandro Buchmann, Ulrich Graef
In Proceeding of ADMS 2010, In conjunction with VLDB 2010. Singapore, September, 2010 [Link]
Aspects of Data-Intensive Cloud Computing.
Sebastian Frischbier, Ilia Petrov
In Kai Sachs, Ilia Petrov, Pablo Guerrero: From Active Data Management to Event-Based Systems and More, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6462, ISBN 978-3-642-17225-0, Springer, November 2010 [Link]
Towards Declarative Query Scoping in Sensor Networks.
Daniel Jacobi, Pablo Ezequiel Guerrero, Khalid Nawaz, Christian Seeger, Arthur Herzog, Kristof Van Laerhoven, Ilia Petrov
In Kai Sachs, Ilia Petrov, Pablo Guerrero: From Active Data Management to Event-Based Systems and More, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6462, ISBN 978-3-642-17225-0, Springer, November 2010 [Link]
General Architecture and Architectural Comparison of OMG Meta Object Facility Repository Management Systems.
Ilia Petrov, Alejandro P. Buchmann
Journal of Information Technology and Architecture, 2009
A Query Language for MOF Repository Systems.
Ilia Petrov, Gabor Nemes
In proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS) 2008 Monterrey, Mexico, Nov 12 - 14, 2008 [Conference] [BibTeX]
Architecture of OMG MOF-based Repository Systems.
Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann
In proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Information Integration and Web Based Applications and Services (iiWAS) 2008, November 24-26, 2008, Linz, Austria [Conference] [BibTeX]
Structuring Wireless Sensor Networks with Scopes.
Daniel Jacobi, Pablo Guerrero, Ilia Petrov, Alejandro Buchmann
Demo Paper. In proceedings of the EuroSSC 2008, Zurich, Switzerland. October 2008 [Conference] [BibTeX]
On Meta-Data Standards: The OMG Meta Object Facility.
Ilia Petrov
In proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Integration and Web Based Applications and Services (iiWAS) 2008, December 4-6, 2006, Yogyakarta, Indonesia [Conference] [BibTeX]
On the Notion of Consistency in Metadata Repository Systems.
Ilia Petrov, Stefan Jablonski, Marc Holze
In Proceedings of The 17th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) 2005, Porto, Portugal, 13 June - 17 June 2005. [Conference] [BibTeX]
An OMG MOF based Reposiory System with Quering Capability - the iRM Project.
Ilia Petrov, Stefan Jablonski
In: Kotsis, G., Bressan, S., Tanair, D., Ibrahim, I. K. Proceedings of the 6th Internat. Conference iiWAS 2004, Jakarta, Indonesien Sept. 2004, pp. 153-159. [Conference] [BibTeX]
Domain-Specific Meta-Model Extensions and Meta-Data Management in Repository Systems.
Ilia Petrov, Stefan Jablonski
In: Kotsis, G., Bressan, S., Tanair, D., Ibrahim, I. K. Proceedings of the 6th Internat. Conference iiWAS 2004, Jakarta, Indonesien Sept. 2004, pp. 133-143. [Conference] [BibTeX]
iRM: An OMG MOF Based Repository System with Querying Capabilities.
Ilia Petrov, Stefan Jablonski, Marc Holze, Gabor Nemes, Marcus, Schneider
In: Atzeni, P., Chu, W. W., Lu, H., Zhou, S., Ling, T.W. Proceedings of the 23rd Internat. ER Conference 2004. Shanghai, China 6-13. October. 2004. pp. 850-852 [Conference] [BibTeX]
Towards a Language for Quering OMG MOF-based Repository Systems.
Ilia Petrov, Stefan Jablonski
In: Gogola, M., Whittle, J. 7th Internat. Conference on the UML 2004. Workshop in Software Model Engineering Lissabon, Portugal October 2004. pp. 1-8. [Conference] [BibTeX]
Towards Efficient Locking of Repository Objects in OMG MOF Repository Systems.
Ilia Petrov, Stefan Jablonski, Marc Holze
In: Isias, P., Karmakar, N., Rodriges, L., Barbarosa, P. In: Proceedings of IADIS Internat. Conference (IADIS) 2004 Madrid, Spain October 2004. pp. 855-859. [Conference] [BibTeX]
Towards Implementing Consistency in OMG MOF-based Repository Systems.
Ilia Petrov, Stefan Jablonski, Marc Holze
In: Meersman, R., Tari, Z., Corsaro, A.: Proceedings of the OTM 2004 Conference (CoopIS) 2004 Agia Napa, Cyprus 25. -29 October 2004. pp. 19-21. [Conference] [BibTeX]
Web-Content-Managementsysteme: Integration von Sematic-Web-Konzepten in Web-Content-Managementsystemen.
Stefan Jablonski, Christian Meiler, Ilia Petrov
In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2004), Issue. 236, pp. 94-102 (In German) [Journal] [BibTeX]
Web-Content-Managementsysteme: Trennung von Struktur, Inhalt, Darstellung und Programmlogik.
Stefan Jablonski, Christian Meiler, Ilia Petrov
In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2004), Issue. 235, pp. 85-93 (In German) [Journal] [BibTeX]
An Architectural Framework for Web Applications. In: Fifth International Conference n Enterprise Information Systems.
Stefan Jablonski, Ilia Petrov, Christian Meiler
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) 2003, Angers, France April 2003. pp. 285-293. [Conference] [BibTeX]
Metadata Repositories as Infrastructure for Database Oriented Applications.
Stefan Jablonski, Ilia Petrov, Christian Meiler, Udo Mayer
In: Eder, J.; Welzer, T. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE '03) Klagenfurt/Velden, Austria 16.-20 June 2003. [Conference] [BibTeX]
Web Services und Semantic Web.
Stefan Jablonski, Christian Meiler, Ilia Petrov
In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2003), Nr. 234 [Journal] [BibTeX]
Repositories as Integration Enabler for the Web.
Stefan Jablonski, Ilia Petrov, Christian Meiler
In: Isias, P. In Proceedings of IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002 (IADIS 2002) Lissabon, Portugal 2002. [Conference] [BibTeX]
Ein konzeptionelles Architekturrahmenwerk fuer Web-Anwendungen.
Stefan Jablonski, Ilia Petrov, Christian Meiler
In: Desel, J., Weske, M. Prozessorientierte Methoden und Werkzeuge fuer die Entwicklung von Informationssystemen. In Proceedings (Promise 2002 Potsdam 9.-11.10.2002). Bd. 21. Koellen Druck+Verlag GmH, 2002, pp. 175-187. (Lecture Notes in Informatics) - ISBN 3-88579-350-4 (In German) [Conference] [BibTeX]
e-Collorboration: Prozessorientierung als Grundlage der IT-Strategie- und Systemauswahl.
Stefan Jablonski, Christian Meiler, Ilia Petrov
In: Information Management and Consulting (IM) Volume 4. 2002, pp. 26-32. (In German) [Journal] [BibTeX]
\ ...

Talks and Tutorials

Emerging hardware technologies and database systems.
Invited Talk. HITS Lab. (Prof. Dr. Andreas Reuter) Universitaet Heidelberg, June 2011.
Using Flash SSDs as Primary Database Storage.
Invited Talk. SPEC Benchmark Workshop, Paderborn, October 2010.
Flash SSD und ihre Versprechen als kuenftige Datenspreicherungs-Technologie
Informatik-Kolloquium, Institut fuer Informatik. Universtaet Erlangen-Nuernberg. June, 2010.
Web Services, Workflow And Metadata Management As The Integration Means In The Electronic Collaboration Era.
Stefan Jablonsi, Ilia Petrov
Tutorial. 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) 2003, Angers, France 23 April 2003.
Creating and Managing Web Servcies.
Stefan Jablonski, Ilia Petrov
Tutorial. The OMG Information Days 2003, Helsinki, Finland, 04. March 2003


Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing,
Technische Universitaet-Darmstadt, Summer Term 2011.
Grundlagen der Informatik 2,
Technische Universitaet-Darmstadt, Summer Term 2009.
Technische Universitaet-Darmstadt, Regularly in Fall Term (2011).
Client/Server, Middleware and EAI,
Technische Universitaet-Darmstadt, Regularly in Summer Term (2008, 2009, 2010).
Introduction to Data and Knowledge Engineering,
Technische Universitaet-Darmstadt, Regularly in Summer Term (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011).
Oracle DBA, Technische Universitaet-Darmstadt,
Regularly in Fall Term (2007,2008,2009,2010, 2011).
Oracle Database Administration,
University of Erlangnen-Nuernberg, Regularly in Fall Term (2003, 2004, 2005).
Database Tutorial with Oracle,
University of Erlangnen-Nuernberg, Regularly (2003, 2004, 2005).
Electronic Business Integration 1,
University of Erlangnen-Nuernberg, Regularly in Fall Term (2004, 2005).
Electronic Business Integration 2,
University of Erlangnen-Nuernberg, Regularly in Fall Term (2004, 2005).
Electronic Business Integration 3,
University of Erlangnen-Nuernberg, Regularly in Summer Term (2004, 2005).


Programm Committee: VLDB 2025, EDBT 2024,2023,2014, ICDE 2019, SIGMOD 2014, SIGMOD reproducibility 2020-2022, Middleware 2010, 2014, HardBD 2013,2018-2024 DATA 2015-2019, Middleware 2010, 2014, ... VLDB Journal, Information Systems, Referee ACM Transactions on Database Systems TODS, Journal of Database Management (JDM)

Background and Degrees

- 2012 - now : Professor for Database Systems, Lead Data Management Lab
- 2007 - 2012: PostDoctoral Fellow, Group lead data processing on modern hardware, DVS, TU-Darmstadt
- 2001 - 2005: PhD in Computer Science (Dr.-Ing.), FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany.
- 1994 - 2001: M.Sc./B.Sc. Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. / FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany